Partnering with Jurisdictions

Abound Food Care partners with cities, counties, and states to consult, oversee or manage food care programs. Abound Food Care activates resources and leverages partnerships to optimize the food supply chain to feed those in need and reduce food waste. We offer guidance, support, and a range of services that help partners build capacity and strengthen communities.

The Problem

Jurisdictions are faced with both legislative and community demand to redirect edible food from landfills and make it available to the food insecure. Developing solutions requires an understanding of, and ability to coordinate with, a variety of food waste generators and networks of food recovery organizations. Ensuring food safety, logistical coordination, proper tracking, and proper distribution are some of the many challenges that must be addressed for a successful program.

The U.S wastes

$161 Billion

worth of food annually.

Giving a Helping Hand

Food Resource Recovery

The Abound Food Care team works within your region to activate resources and leverage existing partnerships to optimize the food supply chain. Our staff connects with potential food donors to facilitate the safe donation of excess edible food. And we work with nonprofit agencies to enhance throughput and capacity. The result is less food waste.

Data Aggregation

Record keeping and data aggregation make it easier for your jurisdiction to get a complete and verifiable picture of the impact within your region. Aggregated data can assist in ensuring compliance with legislative reporting requirements.

Emergency Food Management

Comprised of three essential and interconnected components – Food Repurposing Kitchen Network, solar powered cold storage containers, and an advanced inventory management program – to ensure that jurisdictions have a steady food supply during times of crisis. Unused food is rotated prior to expiration to support efforts to feed community members struggling with food insecurity.

How We Do It